955 Massachusetts Ave #180

Cambridge, MA 02139-3233


Let's make disciples of Jesus, together.

Partner with Us

$50 $100 $200 Other

100% of your gift funds the Mission. 

Have questions?  Visit our FAQ.

We believe the story of Jesus makes disciples of Jesus.

Our mission is to empower people to follow the whole story of Scripture to Jesus.


Tell someone to do something, and you change their life—for a day; tell someone a story and you change their life. 

– NT Wright

Learn More About What We Do

Here's how we fulfill our mission. This is all made possible by our generous partners.


READ along in the whole Bible through a carefully crafted plan with help along the way.

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GATHER in community to follow the whole story of Scripture to Jesus together.

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STUDY the Scriptures deeply empowered by a

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What Partners are Saying

"Limmudim majors in helping local churches, like ours, understand the Bible as the Story of Jesus, empowering us to make disciples in everything we do. We’re forever grateful for this partnership!" 

Cameron (pastor)
Dallas, TX

"I’ve read Limmudim’s annual plan three times now and the Bible has never been clearer. Limmudim helps bring out the powerful connection between God and his people. I am grateful for this resource that is expanding and enriching my spiritual life in a profound, concrete way."

Muoki (reader)
Reston, VA

"No passage of Scripture can merely be intuited. We need the Holy Spirit's help through study and prayer to hear God's voice. Limmudim was instrumental in opening my eyes to what God wanted to say to my congregation through His Word."

Charles (pastor)
Albert Lea, MN

"With Limmudim, I was able to connect the dots and highlight the road from Genesis to the present day about how God spared no expense to resurrect humanity back to a life with him."

Kevin (church planter)
Savanah, GA

Join Us

Join us as we empower people to follow the story to Jesus.

StoryPeople is a ministry of Limmudim, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations are made in $USD. Please accommodate for exchange rates accordingly.


  • Is my gift tax-deductible?

    Limmudim (aka StoryPeople) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. For more information, reach directly to our team.

  • Can I mail a check to you?

    Yes! Feel free to send a personal or BillPay check made out to Limmudim at the following address: 


    955 Massachusetts Ave #180

    Cambridge, MA 02139-3233

    Please include your name and email so we can link your gifts to your account. 


  • Are there any other methods for financial giving?

    Yes! You can give through ACH direct deposit. The option to set up a direct deposit will appear in the give link.

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