955 Massachusetts Ave #180

Cambridge, MA 02139-3233



Let's read the whole story that leads to Jesus, together.

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Every year we read through the whole Bible from cover to cover. Through a carefully crafted plan, our aim is to follow the whole story of Scripture that leads to Jesus, together.

For some of us, reading the Bible is business as usual. For some of us, this is a challenge. Wherever you find yourself, we're glad to have you along in this journey. 

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What makes this reading plan unique?

  • We send out weekly emails that include a short overview, the schedule, and resources to help along the way.
  • We read seven days a week for fifty-two weeks for a total of 365 days.
  • We follow the structure of each book with great care and break up the daily passages accordingly.
  • We average 85 verses per day in accordance with the structure and density of the day's readings (e.g. Gen 1:1–2:3 at 34 verses).
  • We follow the order found in the Hebrew Bible differing slightly from the common English order (e.g. Ruth after Proverbs).
  • We read the Psalms like a book from start to finish (summer time), not a one-a-day devotional.
  • We follow the order found in the Greek New Testament except for keeping Luke-Acts together as a seamless two part work.

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